In this post, we look at the practical hacks for people on a tight budget…

Practical hacks in 3,2,1…

Hey, it’s Woke Money Hero and I’m very familiar with the unexpected stress that money can cause throughout a given month.

And like you, most of the things I tried to save money never worked for me.

But it wasn’t until I understood the following 3 hacks and turned them into habits … that I started seeing a huge turnaround with saving money.  

You ready for them? Here we go.

Remedy #1 – Your Masterful Mind

If you’re always waiting for your next paycheck, do you ever feel like you’re not in control?

That’s because even though we don’t always have much control over what happens to us, we certainly can develop ways to control our thoughts and beliefs.

It’s your thoughts and beliefs about saving money that cause your feelings of fear.

Our thoughts are based on our perceptions that we’ve learned over time and you can actually “trick” your mind into thinking new, productive thoughts.

Disputing is the mental karate you must do to change your irrational beliefs. The results will be new and more effective self-talk that will likely allow you to develop new money management habits.

practical hacks for people on a tight budget

Remedy #2 – Money Mindset FTW

It’s time to develop a new and more effective money mindset that will serve you better. That’s what savings is—it’s actually an expense! If you think of saving money as a regular monthly expense, you will be more likely to stick with a savings plan.

And no wonder you aren’t saving money: it’s easy to get into debt! Consumer spending makes up roughly 70% of the economy. If you spend money, the business that receives it may go out and buy supplies, expand, or hire new employees. And of course, tax revenue is created every step of the way.

Remedy #3 – “Money Can” to “Money Plan”

Did you know you can host unlimited sites under one Bluehost plan?

You lose control over your personal finances if you avoid writing down financial plans. Basically, if you want financial options, you must have control over your finances and one of the best ways to do this is a written plan.

I’ve created a budget for you to use to get started in the description below. There are also free apps available to you like Mint that can get you on your way to saving right now.

Once you develop the skills to manage your money, you’ve gained an important skill for the rest of your life.

There you have it…

Work those into your daily routine and you should start noticing a significant money savings over time.

Now with that said…

There are EVEN BETTER strategies to significantly increase saving almost instantly.

I put together a free “13 Genius Hacks to Save Money” that shows the other strategies that worked for me when mostly everything else didn’t.

It’s 100% free.

You can access it immediately by typing into your browser:

Or Clicking the link in the video description below.

If everything you’ve tried hasn’t helped with saving money…

Try these 13 hacks and see if it doesn’t significantly improve your day-to-day money savings.

I hope you enjoyed this video.

If so, make sure you to subscribe, share, and comment below if you have any questions!